Thursday 28 February 2013



1.  What is your message? メッヤージはなんですか。
Chinese New Year is one of the important events for Chinese communities. The Chinese communities spread around the world; therefore the culture and tradition of the Chinese communities are different in each different place. Thus, in this video we will discuss, compare, and explore the tradition and value of Chinese New Year by different Chinese communities in different place. In this video, we will focus on the different tradition of celebrate Chinese New Year among Malaysia Chinese communities and Chinese communities in Mainland China.
We tend to found out and explore the value of celebrate the Chinese new year, why celebrate Chinese new year are important, how Chinese new year affect us; What is the purpose and meaning of giving the red packet with certain amount of money; How the reunion dinner affect the Chinese communities, and what is the value of having reunion dinner; etc.
Our messages is to enhance all the viewer that from diverse background to gain more understanding about the value of celebrating Chinese new year, and with this video, we hope it also bring the value of Protection of traditional virtues and traditional culture’ for all the mankind.
2.  Who you want to show? だれにみせたいですか。
We like to show this video to all the students that came from diverse background and culture, hopefully this video will help to enhance a better understanding among the students and harmony among the students.
3.  What are you going to use? なにをつかいますか。
Photo, Picture and background music.
4.       Are you going to do it alone or with friends? ひとりでしますか?ともだちとしますか。
Manさん and ともさん   will collaborate for this video production.


Thursday 21 February 2013


京都 に 一度 は 日本の 首都です。
京都 も  天皇の住居です。 (794年 ー 1868年.)

京都 は 日本の 古い城。
京都 は たくさん 日本 の 歴史 あります

京都 は  多くの きれいな 寺 あります。
京都 も  多くの にぎやかな 風景 あります。

京都は日本の にぎやか と げんき 城。

 私 は とても だいすきな 京都 の 環境 です。